SARAH B.: That having her in his life doesn't mean she should no longer have the freedom to live her life.
EMF: Friends of the opposite sex.... Display of trust or recipe for disaster?
SARAH: I believe they put an existing relationship at stake, it starts with jealousy from your partner but that doesn't mean everything should change, your friends should remain as friends and your man as your man.
EMF: What's the dumbest thing a guy has said when asking you out?
SARAH: "Please share with me my table I promise I won't ask you again"
EMF: Have women become too strong OR have men gone weak?
SARAH: Its not about whose gone strong or vice versa, we are in that stage now that anyone can do anything he/she wantsd. There are no longer limitations.
EMF: Do you wear the pants in your relationships?
SARAH: No, I was taught that there must be a difference between a man and a woman in a relationship, but that doesn't mean one must disrespect another.
EMF: Would you agree that some secrets are better taken to the grave?
SARAH: Secrets never made a wise man wiser, secretes have their way of coming out. I strongly believe no house will stand with a weak foundation.
EMF: Is marriage still a socially relevant setup?
SARAH: That's out of my lead, I have never been in one ,but I could say people are still getting married for wrong reasons, like to impress their parents, friends, for wealth and forgetting lust fades quick.
EMF: Do people change?
SARAH: I'm scared to say Yes people do change...they can but not for long so it goes back to they don't change at all.
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